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HARRY WONG #3     "An effective teacher manages the classroom. An ineffective teacher disciplines the classroom." This statement have an impact to me. In  my years in field observing teachers, I might say that there is only 1 out of my 4 cooperating is ineffective.     She always have something to say in the students, she sometimes walked out  in the classroom and even embarrass a student in front of the class. If you can manage your students and the classroom well,  you won't be having a problem in disciplining them.      As a teacher you always try to discipline your students not managing them, you must evaluate yourself first before entering the school. Sometimes its not students factor anymore, perhaps we must check our managing style if there is something wrong.     As educator we must not only put the fault to our students, we are here to change them and prepare them for life. Not to be a teacher that will ma...
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T he morality of this person can be determine by his way of teaching. He will choose character over competence. He teaches his students on how to work with other classmate. He is also the one who give their respective groups in order to work with the other classmate that they haven't work before. P reparing students for future is his main goal in teaching. The learning process is a crucial thing especially for the student. We should not bombard our students with alot of information in just one meeting. we must give them time to absorb everything in the lesson. He give his students time to understand what he discuss and let them to apply it in their activities to prove that they really understand everything.


    T eacher is the best and vital element in teaching. Mr. Josh is a teacher who enter his classroom and a white broad marker with him. Haven't seen him yet bringing instructional materials for the class.       As one of my professor said "Teacher is always the best instructional material in the classroom." this is very evident if a teacher can teach without any instructional materials to bring.    Mastery of the subject is the key to achieve this thing. If you do not know what you are going to teach, you might have a difficulty in teaching your students. This might lead to, the students will be the one who will correct you or the it will lead to confusion among your students.


Claro M. Recto is one of the schools known here in Angeles City. The educational system here in CMR is not that strict as the other high schools here. The maintaining grade of the students is not that high or it is still achievable by the students.     Unlike in Angeles City Science High School, they are more sensitive and quite strict on maintaining their grades. Once you reach the grade or you did not meet the expected grade for you, you will have the possibilities to be terminated in that school.     CMR is a good school to attend, teachers a very approachable  and you can feel that you are part of the their community. In the class, Mr. Josh let them to grade their classmates based on their performance and they accurate the content is. Mr. Josh give them rubrics for them to have a guide in their in grading their classmates. They have their own partner in which their partner will be the one to record their scores in group works, individual works, recita...


MR. JOEL "JOSH" BOLORIO      In my entire field study from 1-5, I had only 4 cooperating teacher due to from Field Study 1-4 I had only one cooperating teacher. I decided to transfer inside Holy Angel University to experience to also experience and see how the private school works. For my 6th and last Field Study, I met Mr. Josh, the coordinator of the Field Study in my cooperating school.      Mr. Josh is a grade 7 English teacher in my cooperating school. To describe him, he is very funny teacher and very kind cooperating teacher. The face he shows in faculty is the also face he shows to his students. He manage his time well. He still able to discuss, conduct a group activity and students presentation. I am so amazed on how he manage to keep his students attention focus to him. He deliver jokes and can turn a funny man to a serious teacher real quick.     Mr. Josh is the kind of teacher that I admire the most. He is the type of teache...


"Students will never learn from the person they don't like." This is a line from a video clip that I watched, I just forgot the speaker's name *hehe forgive me!* S tudents learn from teachers can ride on their jokes and can go with the flow. Luckily, I found one in my observation classes. Sir Josh is the type of teacher that can be funny at time however you can also learn from him. His daily routine in he classroom first, he makes sure the classroom is clean before entering, give recap on what they have discuss last meeting and he let his students to recall it. O n the other hand, his activities is more on group activities and time pressure. He manage the class well from starting of giving instruction up to presentation. He can discuss for 20 minutes, give 15 minutes of preparation for the activity, and the remaining minutes is for the presentation. T o conclude, Mr.Josh is a type of teacher that is a essentialists. He teaches his students with the knowledge an...


"It is the teacher who makes the difference in the classroom." This is a line from Mr. Wong during his 2nd video that I watched. He is just trying to make emphasis on the dignity of the teacher. I love it so much that he is trying to empower the dignity of every teacher. That every teacher have the ability to make difference in a classroom that is full of lost students. Teachers are the ones who makes paths for them, giving them the understanding that they need, love and care they looking for and the ability to make changes in each students lives. Kudos to all teachers who are giving their best to make a difference and be part of each success for all students!